Photo of Richard L. Collari Attorney-At-Law

My Biography and Background

I have been practicing law in California since graduating cum laude from Boston College Law School in 1991. Before law school, I attended Dartmouth College and graduated magna cum laude in 1988. Immediately upon graduating from law school, I began practicing as an associate in a prominent California law firm. In 1999, after my wife and I had our second child, I decided to leave the big firm, big city and long commute behind in favor of opening my own practice closer to home. I am a member in good standing of the California State Bar, the American Bar Association, the Contra Costa County Bar Association and the Danville Area Chamber of Commerce.

My office is located in the professional buildings that encircle the Blackhawk Plaza.
Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
I offer evening and weekend appointments, as needed, and also make house-calls when necessary.

Features Of My Practice

  • I always offer a free, no obligation initial consultation appointment.
  • I can make house-calls, including evening and weekend appointments if necessary.
  • I quote my clients an all-inclusive flat-fee before beginning any work so the clients will have the confidence in knowing exactly what it will cost to complete their estate plan.
  • I maintain at least annual contact with all of my clients to ensure that they continue to receive the value from their estate plan.

Client Profile

Typical clients of mine include people who fit into one or more of the following categories:

  • People with young children who want to ensure their children are protected by nominating guardians and establishing trusts to fund the children's education.
  • People who own assets (including real estate, businesses, investments, life insurance and more) and want to control how those assets are managed and distributed in the event of either incapacity or death.
  • People who want to minimize the loss of their net worth due to the impact of the Probate Court process in the event of their death or incapacity.
  • People who want to minimize the impact of federal estate taxes on the value of the assets they wish to pass on to others at their death.
  • People with existing estate plans who want to ensure that everything is still in order and up-to-date.

What I Expect From My Clients:

What I require of my clients is simple. First, prior to the initial meeting, I expect my clients to have completed the client questionnaire. The questionnaire identifies and describes all of their assets and liabilities as well as all of their personal information. Second, I expect my clients to be committed to the estate planning process by being forthcoming with all the information about their financial position. Third, I expect my clients to review draft documents shortly after I have sent them and promptly schedule the next meeting to discuss the documents or, if they are ready, to execute the documents. Fourth, I expect my clients to pay my fees to me promptly upon receipt of my invoice (which I do not send until after the estate planning documents have been executed). If all goes smoothly, the process can be completed easily within four to six weeks' time.

What My Clients Expect From Me:

From my clients' perspective, they can expect from me prompt, courteous, professional advice and counsel. They can also expect top-notch, high quality work product. They can expect total confidentiality in everything they communicate to me. Lastly, they can expect continued access to me over time to answer any question that might come up.

Choosing An Attorney:

Choosing an attorney in a lot of ways is similar to choosing any other professional such as an accountant or a doctor. Most people are reluctant to simply pick up the telephone book and choose an attorney based solely on his or her advertisement. Important considerations include both objective and subjective factors. By objective factors I mean things such as the attorney's educational background, professional experience and personal background. Most reputable attorneys will readily provide you with this information upon request. In addition, another objective factor would be whether the attorney has been recommended by anyone you know and trust. The subjective factors are much more intangible and may include such things as whether the attorney seems friendly, responsive, attentive, accessible, polite or respectful. These are factors only you can judge based upon the contact you have with the attorney you are considering.